
Showing posts from April, 2018

FLLR 007 - New Order tapes (part 1)

New Order tapes Part one of unknown This is filler from a bunch of New Order tapes provided to my friend GaoBest from whom we've dubbed "UKBT".  One in an interminable series of these, gathered up from various tapes which the less said about, the better.  Loose lips sink ships. FLLR007 - 01 Love Will Tear Us Apart (830509) A picture of  Tower Ballroom in Birmingham, which was shuttered in 2016 for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is inability to pay their taxes .  This cover was dragged out for their manager Rob Gretton's birthday. FLLR007 - 02 Face Up - 840319 Don't know too much about Caesar's Palace in Bradford.  Lovely version of "Face Up" from that location.  Lyrics are still fairly free-form, which I've transcribed ... FLLR007 - 03 Blue Monday (Love Reaction) - 831201 Sung by Slim, one of New Order's roadies, ripping off what Bobby O had ripped out earlier from them, though Blue Monday itself ...

FLLR 006 - Sony HiFi Mystery Tape pt. 3

Third and final part devoted to this mystery tape.... FLLR006 - 01 - Blur - Song Two Its appearance would have postdated seeing Blur for the first and only time live at Shoreline in Mountain View (June 14th, 1997) where they opened for, among other groups, Erasure and The Cure, Dick Dale, Squirrel Nut Zippers, and (egads!) Third Eye Blind. SFGate has a mini-review of the proceedings...  All I remember is that my wife, seven months pregnant, cut short our trip once she started to spell the ganja smoke wafting its way around for The Cure, who admittedly need that sort of "assistance" to be enjoyable, since by all accounts, they aren't showmen in the same way that a band like Erasure are.   Up to that point she was a trooper...and I got to watch a few tracks on the closed-circuit as we were making our way out. FLLR006 - 02 - South Park theme, samples Still going in some kind of zombied afterlife, the late 90s was to a large degree signposted by the debut of ...

FLLR 005 - Sony HiFi Mystery Tape pt.2

Here's the tape and insert....for a different tape, one that likely won't feature here, as good as at looks. Only one truly unknown (to me) track on here, but since you got to hear half of the B-side, figure that the three of you that are following this want to know what's on the rest of the tape.  So without further ado.... FLLR005 - 01 - unknown Unknown classical / early music track.  May have gotten this from an associate of my co-workers who is semi well-known as an early music authority, but only remember this vaguely.  FLLR005 - 02 - Chemical Brothers - Out Of Control At this point, New Order had been idle for a few years, so hearing this was the next best thing.  This track was and is a banger.  When the Chems opened for New Order in 2005, I was hoping to hear this (The Chems did play it) with Bernard Sumner singing it live (that didn't happen, unfortunately). FLLR005 - 03 - Public Enemy - Do You Wanna Go Our Way? Wait, what?  A P...

FLLR 004 - Sony HiFi Mystery Tape pt.1

FLLR 004 Sony HiFi mystery tape circa late '90s/early 00s...part one The late 90's/early 00s were a bit of a blur to me, with marriage and the immediate birth of my oldest two children.  This tape I believe dates from that era.  It was stuck in a case that, while intriguing, had nothing to do with the contents on it.  I'll reproduce the insert for part two. As you can see, with quite a few of my tapes, it was wound all the way through the A side and starts in on side B.  I skipped a few songs in...left off with Big Country's In A...eponymous tune, followed by five songs that I only have a vague memory about. FLLR004 - 01 "We are the chosen people..."   "And there are no innocent people"....I should be able to identify this song...but cannot...sadness. FLLR004 - 02   "Standing in your shadow / falling lights just right..."  "It's a chance I have to give you something, something broken / I can't hide from you now / ...