
Showing posts from August, 2020

FLLR NS6-54 - New Sounds 6

  light & evil (electrobliss) 11.11.91   WARLOCK PINCHERS  Morrissey Rides A Cockhorse THE SHAMEN Move Any Mountain THE OTHER TWO Tasty Fish ELECTRONIC Second To None SAMANTHA FOX Touch Me THE JAMS Porpoise Song THE ART OF NOISE Moments In Love SIGUE SIGUE SPUTNIK Success (Funky Mix) A SPLIT SECOND Rigor Mortis HERB ALPERT & TIJUANA BRASS Love Potion #9 (runs out)   << That crybaby sonofa.... no talent motherf.... I don't know if that song has stood the test of time....actually, yeah it has!...but the rest of this is simply great, even the sultry Tijuana Brass at the end. Throwing in Samantha Fox though....sorry...that was a mistake... I guess I must have been very proud of that record store find?>>>   Nothing says "1991" like this video... no Shamen admitting it!     And this is "tasty"...     darkness & good (the colour hurts) 11.11.91   CURVE Coast Is Clear LUSH Nothing Natural (version) MY BLOODY VALENTINE ...

FLLR NS5-53 - New Sounds 5

  !smaj eht tuo kcik (9/91)   KRAFTWERK Trans-Europe Express THE JAMS All You Need Is Love BEN E. KING Supernatural Thing WEIRD AL YANKOVIC Eat It KLF What Time Is Love? (Orig 12") KRAFTWERK Tour De France SECTION 25 Looking From A Hilltop THE JAMS Whitney Joins The JAMS WEIRD AL YANKOVIC Ricky   filler Why Are Palestinians So Attached To Arafat   << The last entry was recorded dialogue between myself and my father, which to 2020 ears sounds positively quaint.  Good question on my part though.  I was coming at this from a Leftist perspective, I thought (and still think) Arafat was irredeemably corrupt, that the PLO was compromised from early on. Oh well, even thinking about the Middle East seems to be a luxury these days!  The rest of this is fun, and about the time I developed a JAMS/KLF fixation, but the weirdest track of the bunch being the one from Ben E. King, which I took off a scratchy 7 inch.  Yes, this is the vocalist for "Stand By ...

FLLR NS4-52 - New Sounds 4

      NO limits ... vol 1 (2.18.91)  THE SMITHS What Difference Does It Make? LUSH Sweetness and Light KITCHENS OF DISTINCTION Drive That Fast (*) BLAKE BABIES Out There (*) (*) Steve Masters of Live 105 track backannounce MIAOW When It All Comes Down THE NEW SEEKERS We'd Like To Teach The World To Sing JIMI HENDRIX Purple Haze MC 900 FT JESUS Shut Up CONSOLIDATED Dysfunctional Relationship (12") NINE INCH NAILS Get Down Make Love NITZER EBB Fun To Be Had (The George Clinton/(Not So) Long Mix) outro..."You Better Be Careful Out There"   << Side 1 features quite the variety of tracks, starting out with Morrissey (mope) and Miki (mop).  Once again, Mr. Masters shows up with two great early '90s bands/tracks...the MIAOW was the closest this thing got to my usual haunting grounds, at least until the very end of Side B (see below), and then transitioning to some 60's tracks here (pulled from the original vinyl onto this Sony HF tape), plus the end tracks a...

FLLR NS3-51 - New Sounds 3

Da Funk - 1/22/91   Digital Underground - Same Song Parliament - Theme From The Black Hole Dee-Lite - Dee-lite Theme Digital Underground - Tie The Knot A Tribe Called Quest - I Left My Wallet In El Segundo (extended) Public Enemy - Powersaxx Digital Underground - The Way We Swing    Digital Underground - Nuttin' Nis Funky Parliament-Funkadelic - Up For The Down Stroke Digital Underground - Packet Man (Worth A Packet remix) 808 State - In Yer Face (Mancunian delight) Digital Underground - Arguin' On The Funk Parliament-Funkadelic - Flashlight <<  New songs, indeed.  This set was entirely made up of my P-Funk and Digital Underground CDs, with a couple of other singles thrown in there.  Have to credit my UC Berkeley ridemate for exposing me to these sounds, even when I bemoaned how weak his car stereo system sounded.  With a ride back about the length of a C90 during rush hour traffic, this would have been the tape to play for the morning commute wh...

FLLR IND0-50 - "Industrial" (not) mix tape

  A bit of a one off, as it's not a "Modern Classics" or a "New Songs" but a standalone "industrial" (more like new beat + techno acid house + modern dance) compilation.  Don't know much about where I got this from, except that it was a HS classmate that I haven't seen in 30 years. Have a friend of mine identifying the tracks which Shazam couldn't manage, and which weren't identified at the time on the sheet of cut-up lined paper left in the insert in lieu of a proper J-card.  Humans are better than any algorithmic pattern matching software, anyway.  Some of these mixes are via R*z*rm**d, according to him... This dates from '89-90, and by all accounts, features many songs that were filling the dancefloors around this time.  All the songs are mixed into each other so this is likely from an (unidentified) local DJ/mixtape release that my HS classmate had.  The appearance of A10 may be a clue as to exactly who...this has all the h...

FLLR 016 - New Order Tapes (part 10)

 New Order tapes part 10 of unknown. This tape was the source of a gigographical inaccuracy introduced in late November 2001 with the insertion of "In A Lonely Place" (known in taping circles as Little Boy ) into the setlist.   This can be documented here, via looking at the New Order gigography, referred to as "Waterrat", as that was the name that site maintainer Anthony Leal used for his domain,  the version on archive from 10/7/2001 on the old Waterrat NO gigography only lists 10 tracks, comparing it to the version on there from 12/18/2001 on Waterrat's site. shows the addition of Little Boy, which interestingly enough, was added between "Confusion" and "Age Of Consent", not where it is situated here, where it is (appropriately enough) inserted as tape filler to round out Side A.  The notes I maintain as to when a listing was updated also fall in line with the change caused by the appearance of this tape. version 1.44.4  11/26/01 -------...

FLLR NS2-48 - New Sounds 2

FLLR NS2-48 - New Sounds 2 The Blues - 11/11/90 A great selection of melancholy modern rock hits from my CD collection at the time.   Yes, I owned the old Columbia Robert Johnson box set, which was notoriously noise reduced, as I understand that transfers done directly from the 78s sound a loss less dead than this seems to. "Harold And Joe" is another Robert's paean to a different drug than what his fellow Robert was imbibing, and not one associated with the blues as traditionally defined.  Love the dying pen highlighting only certain strokes. "Harold And Joe", "Waiting For The Night" and "All Day Long" are all deep cuts and are favorites of mine from these bands.  Everybody knows the last one, of course. The Bird (Turkey) - 11/11/90 These are all in large measure joke tunes, but all of the have quite interesting backstories, so I'm taking the time to present them here. The Lydon one was taking from an '86 era interview with Ivar Ham...

FLLR 020 - Ride+Revenge filler

Ride + Revenge filler The Ride show may be another Sacramento Music Archive presentation in the near future since it was at the Cattle Club, but first I will feature some of the "filler" tracks on here. A1 Ultravox - White China (end) A2 Kate Bush - Love and Anger A3 The House Of Love - Marble A4 Wire - Ahead (cut) A5 Wire - Madman's Honey A6 Abecedarians - Dinner (A4 - A6 sourced from a Revenge interview tape) B1 The Sundays - A Certain Someone B2 Echo and the Bunnymen - Gods Will Be Gods B3 The High - Box Set Go (cut) B4 Hot Since 82 - Mr. Drive           linked to the Wikipedia article about this as like me you probably don't know who this is B5 Wire - You Hung Your Lights in the Trees   FLLR020 (download/stream)   Here are the incomplete tracks (truncated on the source tapes) in case you wanted to hear them in full.   Ultravox - White China   Wire - Ahead     The High - Box Set Go  

FLLR 019 - MBV 1989 Ephemeria

 FLLR 019 - MBV 1989 Ephemeria   These My Bloody Valentine tapes from "ideal.copy" (I-Beam SF 6/12/89 and Berkeley Square 6/14/89) have already been digitized and shared on DIME, which for the last 15 years has been the popular go-to lossless Bittorrent-based site for whatever items of independent origin have surfaced, but what hasn't made it anywhere were the filter tracks from them, since for the most part they're just from records, and thus not sharable there.  This being Tape Filler dot org, and these being tape filler, I thought it would be good to present these here to whoever would be interested in them. Here they are, split into three portions corresponding with each of the tapes.   The Primitives demo track is definitely worth listening to.   MBV890612_s1 Shop Assistants - Almost Made It  (2:18) Blow Up - Slip Into Something (rough mix)  (6:30) Spacemen 3 - Hypnotized  (2:55) MBV890612_s2 mbv890612_bit (10s) New Order - Don't Do It...

FLLR 018 - Stereolab Plus

  Filler from a Stereolab tape that I recently shared.  Think these are samples from another show, but I don't know which.   You can hear on 'Transcoma Five' the band was looking for gaffer tape, likely to hold the vocal mics in place and Læticia explaining "technical difficulties" to the crowd. There's some question about the date ID for the Blumfeld track since to quote autopilot, " throws a further spanner in the works by suggesting that the 1995 line-up was Pavement/Mercury Rev/Crowsdell not Blumfeld", so the ID on the spine label may be wrong...   Stereolab sample-bits: Wow and Flutter  (0:05) Transcoma Five  (2:16) Ronco Symphony  (0:48)   bonus:  Blumfeld - E-Work, Köln (live 26 Jun 1995)     (9:03) FLLR 018 - Stereolab Plus

FLLR MC11-46 - Modern Classics Vol. #12

  Modern Classics Vol. 11 #45 Side A - 10/5 "Gangly Bootleg Mixes"   Dinosaur Jr - Just Like Heaven The Weathermen - Bang Bang! (Rocket Mix) The Blue Aeroplanes - ... and Stones (Gangly Bootleg Mix Part 1) Inspiral Carpets - Commercial Rain (rub-a-dub Mix) Dee-Lite - What Is Love? - (holographic goatee Mix) Omega Tribe - Night Life Dinosaur Jr - Throw Down << Pulled down from my collection of stuff on vinyl.  The Dinosaur Jr Cure cover track really cuts out like that, on record.  Really disconcerting when I heard it the first time.  The most enjoyable track on here is the Omega Tribe one since I hadn't heard it since.   The best title for a remix does have to be the Holographic Goatee mix.... must be a DJ Keir reference...heard a recent story about that band and how they loved to party. >> Side B - 10/5 "Living On The Ceiling"   Blancmange - Living On The Ceiling (taped Jan '88) Oingo Boingo - Cinderella Undercover The House Of Love - ...

FLLR MC11-45 - Modern Classics Vol. #11

Modern Classics Vol. 11 #45 Side A - 6/4 - 6/6     UK Café 6/4/90 (live) The House Of Love - Christine The Buzzcocks - Orgasm Addict [from '77]   interstital Someone's really confused - Confusion + 2 Live samples   Live 105 Interview w/Modern English 6/6/1990 by Mark Hamilton - approximately 20 minutes   Includes: interview segment 1 Life's Rich Tapestry interview segment 2 I Melt With You ('90 version)  interview segment 3 Dawn Chorus   Selections Roxy Music - Avalon  [from radio] Cocteau Twins - Lazy Calm  [from my Victorialand LP] Ian McCulloch - Candleland (2nd coming extended mix) [from CD-S] Durutti Column - When The World (Newson mix/edit)  [from CD-S] << Interesting for the Modern English interview which was aired live on-air.  The HoL and Buzzcocks live tracks may not be super-common.  Quite like the sequencing / chill vibe of the last five songs on here after the strum und drang of the initial selections >...

FLLR MC10-44 - Modern Classics Vol. #10

Modern Classics Vol. 10 #44 Side A - 8/7 Volume 10 of a series of these.  Starts off with an annoying-sounding Rob Francis interview of a bored-sounding Danny Elfman, from 1990-07-13.   I guess all those movie soundtracks were waaaay more lucrative than Oingo Boingo proved to be, but "Skin" is a pretty good song, admittedly.  Still, a good curio for fans interested in their work, even if the interview itself is cringey on multiple levels. Even better is a long version of Tom Tom club's "Genius of Love", which I believe I pulled from the Sire 12". And first of several shares of 2 Live Crew's As Nasty As They Wanna Be LP, which I had on cassette.  People literally were getting arrested for indecency from selling this, if nothing else, Luke Campbell did strike a blow for artistic freedom.  Now all of this seems quaint as we have literal "Proud Boys" Nazis with the same freedom to express their hateful views.  So maybe the less said, the...

FLLR MC9-43 - Modern Classics Vol. #9

  Modern Classics Vol. 9  #43 << Fourth in a series....or should that be ninth?  This one samples from Live 105's broadcast, including a UK Cafe broadcast from 12 July 1990, mixed in with some 12" and CDs I have, including some samples of New Order as "bridge" pieces between segments.  Also features another MC 900 Ft. Jesus track.  Like the last tape, this was a C60 that I must have gotten as a freebie from my dad's grocery store.  >> Side A - 7/12/90   Falco - Der Commissar Kon Kan - Puss n' Boots Revenge - Big Bang   UK Café 7/20/90 Stone Roses - One Love (new!) Girls At Our Best - Politics Drumfish - Papa '90   Funny enough, it wasn't until years later before I would meet my good friend who goes by "GaoBest", after the band who sings "Politics". bridge #1 (New Order - True Faith) House Of Shock - Middle Of Nowhere   Side B - 7/12/90  New Order - Confusion ('90 Alternative Remix) Revenge - Pineapple Face's Re...

FLLR MC8-42 - Modern Classics Vol. #8

  Modern Classics Vol. 8  #42 <<  Third in a series, and dating a week after the last installment.  This features yet another 'AT THE EDGE' set from DJ Bernard (Cabigon).  This Bizjournals article represents much of the biographical information we have about him.  Some of his mixes also appeared on various Art Of Mix compilations , which I don't have.  The Realistic J-Card wasn't original as I think I was one short, you'll see the next tape doesn't even have labels, though it does have its original insert. >> Side A - 5/31/90 Revenge - Pineapple Face B-52's - Roam (DJ Remix) New Order - Blue Monday (Club Mix) Fake - Another Brick (Falling Down) The Cure - Pictures of You (Strange Remix) Grandmaster Flash - White Lines (edit) (only wrote in 'Fake' when digitizing this, as I didn't know who this was by.) Side B - 5/31/90 U2 - Indian Summer Sky David Bowie - TVC15 MC 900ft Jesus - I'm Going Straight To Heaven "Religion" pr...

FLLR MC7-41 - Modern Classics Vol. #7

Modern Classics Vol. 7  #41 << Second in a series.  Looks like this was assembled the following weekend to the one featured previously.  Another example that mixes an Art of Mix 12" which I still have, some CD tracks from a semi-portable tabletop that I bought back in '89 (note the 16kHz line which appears in the waveform tracks), and the rest from trusty old 105.3FM in San Francisco, Live 105.  The Side B tracks were aired in dance mix style at the Edge in Palo Alto.  My recollection was that this was an early (Sunday) morning broadcast with Mark Hamilton, who was at the station until 1995, and then departed to Portland's KNRK to serve as their Program Director, where he is still at, apparently.  Despite rumors that he was either from Ohio or Mississippi, he's an English expat, one of a number the station had.   That station no longer plays "Modern Rock" but some more generic brand of "Alternative" music. >> Key:    Å ...