FLLR 020 - Ride+Revenge filler

Ride + Revenge filler

The Ride show may be another Sacramento Music Archive presentation in the near future since it was at the Cattle Club, but first I will feature some of the "filler" tracks on here.

A1 Ultravox - White China (end)
A2 Kate Bush - Love and Anger
A3 The House Of Love - Marble
A4 Wire - Ahead (cut)
A5 Wire - Madman's Honey
A6 Abecedarians - Dinner

(A4 - A6 sourced from a Revenge interview tape)

B1 The Sundays - A Certain Someone
B2 Echo and the Bunnymen - Gods Will Be Gods
B3 The High - Box Set Go (cut)
B4 Hot Since 82 - Mr. Drive    
     linked to the Wikipedia article about this as like me you probably don't know who this is
B5 Wire - You Hung Your Lights in the Trees
FLLR020 (download/stream)
Here are the incomplete tracks (truncated on the source tapes) in case you wanted to hear them in full.
Ultravox - White China
Wire - Ahead
The High - Box Set Go


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